domenica 4 maggio 2014

Illustration Friday - Revenge

Good sunday-morning to everyone!
Today I want to talk about "Illustration Friday". What is Illustration Friday?
Illustration Friday is a website where every friday come out a new weekly topic. You have to take ispiration from this topic and make art! Simply and funny, don't you think? 
I've tried for the first time this week, and the topic is "Revenge".
So I've made this:

"Sweet Revenge"
in Digital technique

Also there's a little particular that you can't see as well in the drawing

She hold a knife covered by blood. 
What about the interpretation? 
The girl look quite and sweet, she hold with the left hand her cello, and she have also a lovely smile on her face. But two particular tell us another story: the knife in her right hand, wich is not visible at all; and the flowers on the back. The flowers are Aconites, that they represent the revenge.

And you, what do you think about this artwork? 

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