martedì 11 novembre 2014

Thank you, Naruto!

So, here I am today to announce that Naruto is actually ended!
This is one of the manga that accompanied most of my life, especially my preadolescence (I feel so old right now, ahahah!), and I'm really sad that is ended. To celebrate this goal, and to thank Kishimoto-sensei for this awesome manga, I made this:

"Thank you, Naruto."
in Digital technique

Thanks to Masashi Kishimoto who gave life to one of the most influential characters of these years, and thanks to Naruto too, because he gave me strength in difficult moment, and kept up with my dreams, because every dream can come true!
So, a big thank! 

Also, after this, today I passed a really important exam, the first for the driving license! In about a month I will have another one, but for the moment this is it,no problems anymore, that means that finally I can come back drawing and reading all day long! School's also a big problem, because I have to study, but for me is less difficult than studying for  the driving license ahahah! One last thing: I will be at Mestre Comics on DECEMBER 7th 2014 and I will take Mirai Kuiyama from Kyoukai no Kanata, so I hope to see many of you there! It's a month away from now, but I'm really happy of this last comicon, so I can't really wait!

(cheers for my exam!)

See you in the next days with a new post on this blog, and everyday on my facebook page!

venerdì 7 novembre 2014

Welcome November!

So, November is here, and with him the cold and dark days!

"November fashion 2014"
in Digital technique

Okay, this pic was do really fast because I had no time for drawing, really. So I hope you like it anyway!
The theme of this month is the glitter and the light, that's why I've made a golden dress.
Not so much to say, I will post other pic in the next days, because I have some "old" pic to share!
Have a nice day!

giovedì 6 novembre 2014

Happy (late) Halloween!

I've been away on Halloween day, so I'm wishing you an Happy Halloween only now, with this little illustration:

"Halloween 2014"
in Digital technique

Recently I'm working hard to make some great backgrounds, because I'm just a beginner with them. I've made some drawing this summer, but never post them here. Maybe I should do it. But next time, when I complete the princess cycle of illustration.
Tomorrow I'm going to submit the new-month illustration (Welcome November) so stay tuned!

martedì 4 novembre 2014

#Inktober initiative

Hi guys!
I've been away for a month because I had a lot to do with school and stuff for Lucca Comics & Games!
But now I'm here again, and I will submit all the things I haven't write in this month. 
I start with the #Inktober challenge!
You can read more about the initiative here:

I have drawn something everyday for 31 days, all with ink (pen, digital, this doesn't matter), and this is the result: a summary of my #Inktober, but you can find all the work complete at this page.
It was been really hard to complete all, because usually I don't have time to scan the picture, but at the end I've made all, and I'm really happy of the result! You can also see that my style is really flexible, and I can do almost everything. Also I'm really fast at learning a new type of illustration, or style of art, or colouring.

I do not submit all the drawings here because they are too much, so If you are interest to see them click the link above here!

I hope you enjoy my artwork!