martedì 11 novembre 2014

Thank you, Naruto!

So, here I am today to announce that Naruto is actually ended!
This is one of the manga that accompanied most of my life, especially my preadolescence (I feel so old right now, ahahah!), and I'm really sad that is ended. To celebrate this goal, and to thank Kishimoto-sensei for this awesome manga, I made this:

"Thank you, Naruto."
in Digital technique

Thanks to Masashi Kishimoto who gave life to one of the most influential characters of these years, and thanks to Naruto too, because he gave me strength in difficult moment, and kept up with my dreams, because every dream can come true!
So, a big thank! 

Also, after this, today I passed a really important exam, the first for the driving license! In about a month I will have another one, but for the moment this is it,no problems anymore, that means that finally I can come back drawing and reading all day long! School's also a big problem, because I have to study, but for me is less difficult than studying for  the driving license ahahah! One last thing: I will be at Mestre Comics on DECEMBER 7th 2014 and I will take Mirai Kuiyama from Kyoukai no Kanata, so I hope to see many of you there! It's a month away from now, but I'm really happy of this last comicon, so I can't really wait!

(cheers for my exam!)

See you in the next days with a new post on this blog, and everyday on my facebook page!

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