lunedì 1 settembre 2014

Summer's (almost) end

The summers is at the end, and so my holiday!
Is such a long time since the last post on the blog and I'm so sorry about it, but between the Rimini convention and the work I had so much to do: If you follow my facebook page you also know that my computer was broken this last month so I was really unproductive in these last weeks. I drawn a lot on my sketchbook, of course, but I spend many and many time at make costume for the convention, the next is this week-end. I will post here some drawing I've done in these three months, and at soon I will start to take more seriously my blog (eheheh!).
Okay, so let's start!

 "Romeo and Juliet"
in Digital technique
18th May 2014

This is really really old! I've improved a lot on this style of painting in the last month, so, please, go down and check the newest picture because they are really better!

 "Kimono Girl"
in Digital technique
3rd July 2014

Starting from this pic I've changed my brushes on Photoshop and the quality is different and more beautiful than the older pic. This was the first try with the new brushes, but with the time I've learned better how to use them.

 "If you cand DREAM it, you can DO it"
in Digital technique
7th July 2014

Another experiment with the new brushes. The quote is by Walt Disney, and it's one of my favorite quote of every time: always belive in your dreams!

 "Arabian Night"
in Digital technique
15th July 2014

This was of the latest pic before the Rimini Comix convention, and it was the rapresentation of one of the cosplay I've taked here! I made it with 2 different bacground, I don't know wich is better, tell me your opinion! Also, I show you some photo of the final cosplay, do I look a little similar to her?
The character is Gou Matsuoka from the anime "Free!" 

Photo by Agostino Curto and Enrico G. Munari. All the credits for the photos belong to them.

I've also take to the convention another character, Gou's brother: Rin Matsuoka, from the same series.
This is two of the photo I had, I really like how the costume is come out, I think is pretty good!

Photo by Federica Vinci and my friend Arturo. All the credits for the photos belong to them.

 "Honey Lemon"
in Digital technique
16th July 2014

I can't wait for Disney's "Big Hero 6", coming out this winter in Italy, so I've made one of the character: she is Honey Lemon! I really like the Marvel's one, but in this style is so much cute and colorful and I can't resist at her design!

 "Four Little Parrot"
in Digital technique
28th August 2014

This story is a little awkward: some days ago I went to my friend Ilaria's house, and I saw this beautiful picture made by my friend's mother:

and i thought they were similar to some little parrot, and so I've drawn them!

I suppose these are all the best work I've made this summer, they look so fresh don't you think? After all this summer was really cold and I went to the sea for just three days: not so much! This week-end I'm going to Forlimpopoli for another convention and to visit some of my friends, then I have one other week before I start again school!
In these following days I will submit other work and sketches and I will add some information about a festival I will partecipate on the 13th September (more info here).

p.s: I also start watching Community! Is awesome!

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