domenica 27 aprile 2014

Budapest Hotel and Contest

A late post, tonight!
Today I've seen this beautiful film by Wes Anderson, The Grand Budapest Hotel. I reccomend this film to everyone, is so funny, and there are awesome actors!

But, after all, I'm not here to talk about this amazing film (yeah, probably I can talk a lot about this but, ehy, this is an art blog, or not?). Today, before start watching Grand Budapest, I do this drawing:

"Finally the open air"
in Digital technique

The character is Ginevra, by the sweet and talented Nike (go and like her facebook page!), and this is for a contest. So, if you would like to help me, go on this link and click 'like'.

Talking about the artwork, I only like to say that I've tried ispiration from Brittney Lee's work, like always, I've nothing to say in particolar XD
Well, I hope you like it, please help me winning this contest, and share it with your friends! 

sabato 19 aprile 2014

Let's have some tea!

Goodmorning everyone!
Today I want to talk a little bit about my last work:

"Let's have some tea with Mad Hatter!"
in traditional technique

This is a little greeting card for my dear friend Alice's birthday. She is in love with the story of Alice in Wonderland, so I've decide to make this for her. There's a lot of mistake in this work, at first the proportions, then I've worked only with the adhesive tape because my glue was over!
So it's a total mistake, but I'm happy of the result in any case, probably it's because of the bright color ahahah!
There is also some particular:

And, at least, the finished work:

Hope you like it!

venerdì 18 aprile 2014

Butterfly Effect

This is the first time I post something in a blog, I hope to learn fast how this site work!
I want to make this like an art blog, so I start with posting my last work:

"Butterfly Effect" in digital technics

The characters are Stephanie and Ania from an Italian comic called Butterfly Effect of Giulia Della Ciana.
I've worked for all the evening and that's the result! I also show you some particoular of the background, just because I've worked a lot on them:

The main theme of the story is Tangled, in fact I've take ispiration from a Disney's concept art of this film, because I sucks at do background (this is the first time I do one like this!). So, I hope to improve (and I hope my English can improve too, ahahah!)

I also leave you some link where you can find me and my art:

Hope you enjoy my work!
Peace, Love, Rock!